how to be an emerging nonprofit

The term “emerging nonprofit” is thrown around a lot. But what does it mean? Does mean anything? Well, that is actually not the topic we discuss in this podcast. But, if you want to “emerge”, then pay close attention. It’s time to build your capacity.

In this podcast I talk with Jeremy Grandstaff from We talk about building your nonprofit team and helping them define their roles within the organization. This of course leads us into a discussion about holding a better meeting. We then move on to discuss strategic planning and board retreats.

This is a great podcast if you are looking to build your nonprofits capacity. Here are links to what is mentioned in the show.

  1. DVF Model:
  2. Five Disfunctions of a team:
  3. Engaged Change:

Quick Meeting Tip

Wanna run a better meeting? Here is the language Jeremy suggest goes at the top of every agenda.

To be best prepared, and to help us best use your time, please make sure you have read the attached reports and reviewed the agenda below.


Jeremy’s website:




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