Being the Executive Director (ED) of a nonprofit means different things for different organizations. But it means one thing for the ED. You will wear many hats, use different skills and fulfill a variety of roles.

Let’s get a bit more specific. As an ED you may be required to be the bookkeeper, fundraiser, grant writer, program developer, volunteer organizer, event planner, donor outreach coordinator or marketing specialist.

In smaller organizations you may also be the dog walker, custodian, envelope licker, web designer, software updated, printer fixer, supply clerk, etc. I think you get the picture.

It is not an easy job. But our guest, Ann Wrixon, has been doing it for nearly 30 years and she shares with us a wealth of knowledge. She currently is the ED at CASA of Contra Costa County, in Concord, CA. This is a real “boots on the ground” interview with someone who has been there and done that. (And is still doing it).

So, if you are an executive director, thinking about becoming one or are on a board that works with one, this podcast will give you an appreciation and understanding of all the work that goes in to being an ED.


CASA of Contra Costa County,

Contact Ann, contact page.

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