tips for nonprofit marketing

Getting the word out about your nonprofit organization can be a challenge. But it doesn’t have to be. There are a lot of ways to help bring awareness to the community about your program. And the great thing is… most of them are free! Here are some simple ways to spread the word about you nonprofit.

  1. Social Media – get a Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and/or Youtube account and post to them regularly. It is better to have ONE social media account you use often than it is to have four accounts that you use rarely.
  2. Network with other Organizations – Go to events, fundraisers or meetings hosted by local nonprofits that provide similar services (or complimentary programs) to your own. Be sure to bring your business card.
  3. Start a Blog – First, you should have a website. If you don’t, then follow my free course on How to make a Website for your Nonprofit. Now add a blog (or latest news) section to your website and post to it regularly.
  4. Give a Free Talk – Book a room at the library or call your local Rotary Club and offer to give a presentation about your organization or a service you provide. The best way to do this is to NOT talk about yourself. Instead talk about approaches used to tackle hunger or how to file for public assistance.
  5. Like/Follow other Organizations Social Media Pages – This can help other organizations find you and learn more about what you do.
  6. Advertise with other Organizations – This can be as simple as sharing a link to your website on their Facebook page or buying a small ad in their newsletter.
  7. Give Interviews – Simply put, if you get the opportunity to talk to the media, Do It!
  8. Send Press Releases – Anytime you do something in public (events, fundraiser, presentation) go ahead and send a press release to the newspaper, radio and TV.
  9. Write an Op Ed – A well written article that is informative, newsworthy or educational can be a great way to bring awareness to your cause.
  10. Start a Podcast – With some simple recording equipment you can reach a broad range of people with a podcast. You can talk about trends in your industry, interview experts, give a how-to… whatever you think would be helpful to your audience.
  11. PSA’s – a public service announcement is a great way (and usually free) to tell people about upcoming events or services. Just contact your local radio or TV station to see about submitting a PSA.
  12. Put up Posters – This is the ultimate grassroots way of telling people about your organization. Don’t overlook the simplicity and effectiveness of a eye catching poster.
  13. Start a Newsletter – the best thing about a newsletter is it means you are starting to collect a mailing list. This is super important.
  14. Write a Guest Blog Post – Contact another organization and see if they will let you write an article for their website (or newsletter) about a service you provide or a particular subject you are an expert in.

OK. So that is it. Fourteen quick, down-and-dirty, ways to get the word out about your organization. There is no secret to grassroots marketing. It’s just a matter of going out and doing it. If you have other ideas on simple and affordable marketing tips that have worked for you, please share them in the comments below.

Thanks folks. I hope this was helpful.

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  1. Allen Maddox 8 years ago

    This list is getting printed and hung up where I’ll see it every day..

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