New Pages on Website

Believe it or not, Nonprofit it Ally is still being built. Actually, I guess that is not too hard to believe. Many of the recent updates have been to the “Start a Nonprofit” section of this website. Since these are pages (as opposed to post) they do not get listed on the front page of this website when I publish them. And some of you may not have thought to look over there. So here is an update on the new pages added to this site.

New Pages

Make a Good Impression: This page is the most recent page I added. It talks about tools you should use to build a solid “platform” for your nonprofit. This page will help you build capacity quickly.

Getting Organized: Whether you are starting a nonprofit or have had one for years there is no end to the amount of paperwork and files that you need to keep organized. This page gives you an overview of a filing system you can use on you computer to help you keep track of all your paperwork. It even has a downloadable zip file with all the folders pre-created for you.

Make Your Website: This is a six video part series on how to make a website using WordPress for your nonprofit. It is a detailed step-by-step guide to setting up your website and using WordPress. I actually have one more tutorial video to make before this page is complete, but you can get started now if you like. The first five lessons are already posted.


Last month I was very surprise and flattered to find that TechSoup Canada linked to my article about Getting Organized. It was mentioned in an article about “How to use Google Drive as your Nonprofit’s Filing System“. It is a good article, I recommend you check it out.

You may have noticed that I put the latest Nonprofit Ally Podcast in the sidebar of the front page of this website. This way it is easier to find and listen to it. I am not breaking any “most listened” to records but currently there are about 100 subscribers to the podcast. If you are one of them – THANK YOU. I really appreciate you taking time to listen. Let me know if there are an specific topics you want to hear about.

As it turns out, my recent video postFundraise with Fundly Crowdfunding” caught the eye of the staff at Not only did they link to the article I wrote, but they even emailed me and wanted to know my first hand impressions with their product. I was very impressed (and honored) they went to such extent to get feedback about their crowdfunding app.

What’s Next

I am still not done with the “Start a Nonprofit” section of this site. Here are some of the upcoming sections:

  • Getting Started with Social Media
  • Your Nonprofit Newsletter
  • Keeping the Books – Accounting for Nonprofits
  • Your First Fundraiser – It ain’t no Bake Sale

If you have a preference on which topic you would like to see completed first just leave a comment below. I do read them and they do make a difference.

Well, that is it for this update. Thanks for visiting and have a great New Year.


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